Why do I think the news of the day was Linda Rama in the loggia of the parliament
When the cameras showed the silhouette of a woman in the lobby of the parliament, it took a few seconds to realize that the Prime Minister's wife, Linda Rama, was sitting there.
"This is news, I told the newsroom, but let's wait for what will happen (because we're used to expecting some super-hassle)."
In fact, what did not happen was what happened today in parliament: calm!
It has been years and especially the second term of Edi Rama that the parliament has not been normal.
Today the opposition became normal! Even the calmness, serious dress or gentleness of Edi Rama whenever the opposition interrupted him, apparently stemmed from Linda's presence in the loggia.
For example, if the opposition today made even one comment on the prime minister's wife, it risked ending up in the domestic media, but also foreign, both banal and misogynistic.
Simply with the presence, Mrs. Rama today made everyone look good. I do not know if it would be so without him, but any evidence we have from the past - until three days ago - has not been normal.
-Why did Linda Rama choose to appear in the loggia of the parliament? This is a question that requires interpretation, because unlike the presence and what we saw, we have to analyze this by returning some arguments.
First, this is an unprecedented case for pluralistic Albania, where in general the figure of the woman has mostly stayed at home in terms of commitment, that women have been through activities and visits to churches, mosques, campaigns, embassies, but in parliament no.
Pra, Linda Rama, një grua që të gjithë e dimë që vjen nga shoqëria civile, ish- pedagoge, intelektuale, që ‘dorëzoi’ përkohësisht profilin e saj në funksion të bashkëshortit, tani nuk është më në atë ‘mode' (mode si termi i celularit). Zonja Rama po na thotë se ka vendosur të angazhohet. Kjo është pak por e sigurt! Sidomos nëse i kthehesh disa lëvizjeve, që nga fjalimi në Kongresin e PS-së në Ditën e Grave dhe tek intervista e fundit për Ilva Taren, ku Linda Rama foli për veten si një paralajmërim se ajo do të nisë të ushtrojë, aq sa i lejon korniza, një rol në jetën publike dhe politike.
Cili do të jetë ky rol dhe deri ku synon të mbërrijë, mbetet për t'u parë. Sot vetëm sa u bë më e qartë.
Linda Rama started by standing behind the scenes, on rare exits, and with a personal example where she continued to attend the same cafe in the area of the former Bloc or drive her own car, to see her on the street walking like an ordinary man of the city and take care of the little boy himself, Zahos.
Edi Rama's third term is boiling something new. Linda Rama is making a 'shift' with her old role and is getting to know us point by point with the young one.
Today in the parliament Linda Rama did not go by chance, neither to look, nor to attention and photos, but to make a "provocation" not for the opposition but for the Albanian public, the media and especially women.
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