From a cream for every problem (Only for you who have made them 30 years old)
The world of skin care is a bit of a concern as there are so many products and brands available in the market. This can confuse you about what your skin needs and what products can fix your skin problems. And, as the skin matures you can use nothing and everything on your face. For a beautiful and younger looking skin, you need to adjust your skin care routine to match your skin type and choose products that deal with wrinkles, fine lines of mimic wrinkles and other signs against aging.
As you age, the composition of your skin changes. The skin becomes thinner, thin lines begin to appear, wrinkles become visible and collagen levels decrease. And, if you want to keep away from all those bad signs of aging, you need to look for tips that are no less than the key to the source of youth.
Dermatologists and beauticians all over the world have tips that I want to share with you below:
Double cleaning
Start your routine with double cleansing. Initially cleansing with oily cleanser as it is the only one that can effectively eliminate make up, sunscreen.
Cleansing Balm from butter-shaped korff dissolves any impurities in the skin
(Link) dhe me pas përdor larës ujor për të eleminuar papastërtitë e mbetura në lëkure. Algoblanc (Link) jo vetëm që pastron lëkurën, por ka dhe një efekt të mirë detoksifikues për lëkurën.
Elimino qelizat e vdekura
Hapi tjetër është eliminimi i qelizave të vdekura në lëkurë. Kështu jo vetëm qe bën një pastrim të mirë të lëkurës por dhe nxit rigjenerimin e saj. Scrubi shumë fin I La Roche Posay (Link) pastron në mënyrë delikate lëkurën.
Trajtimi i rrudhave
Pas pastrimit, është koha për të parandaluar lëkurën tuaj nga procesi i plakjes. Përdorni serume për fytyrën si në rastin e Liftactiv Supreme H.A. Epidermic Filler me përqëndrim të lartë të Acidit
Hyaluronic ( Link ), reduces the signs of wrinkles and fine lines on the skin. We can not forget the face cream for hydration, intensive skin nourishment.
Antioxidant Face Cream
( Link ) has clinically shown the anti-wrinkle effect it has on the skin. All with herbal ingredients this cream will nourish and hydrate the skin in depth.
The last to protect your skin from photoplakia is the cream with protective factor. Sunlight is responsible for more than 90% of wrinkles on the skin. Korff Sun Secret with spf 50+ ( Link ) not only protects you from the sun, but also prevents the formation of blemishes on the skin
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