The situation with the fires in the country/ The most problematic area, Shengjini, without human damage. Residents and tourists have been evacuated

There are several fire outbreaks throughout the country, such as those in Nikël and Kanina in Vlora, Tresh in Lezha, but while they have been brought under control and do not pose any serious danger, Shengjini remains the most problematic area.
According to the latest update from journalists on the ground, the two large fires, the one in Rana e Hedhur and the one near the Port of Shengjin, have reduced the intensity of the flames and are under control.
The intervention from the air will also resume this morning.
Because the flames threatened several houses and businesses, including hotel structures, residents of the area and tourists were evacuated yesterday.
According to the latest update from the Ministry of Defense, shortly before midnight, it was clarified that the danger had passed for homes and businesses at risk of fire.
Two Canadair planes from Italy had come to the aid of the Albanian operational forces.
"The situation created by the fires in some areas of the country, but especially in Shengjin, has improved in the evening hours, after the continuous work of hundreds of operational forces on the ground, as well as the intervention of two #Canadair planes from Italy, part of the support from the European Civil Protection Mechanism. Thanks to the Italian side for the help and to the Swedish side for the expression of readiness. According to the latest reports, the risk to homes and businesses has fortunately been avoided. In the early hours of tomorrow morning, the intervention from the air will begin again with the support of the Italian side and from the ground of hundreds of operational forces. It has become possible to put out the flames in the heart of the fire in Kanina, Vlora municipality, where the fire involved an area with olive trees, as well as in Nikël, where another fire was reported, until today. Acknowledgment to all the fire fighters, Armed Forces, State Police, Forestry Service, Protected Areas and volunteers for their commitment in this battle with the flames", announced MB.