
The three priorities of Albanians

The three priorities of Albanians

The best opportunities for employment are the areas where the Albanian government should focus the most, according to a survey conducted by the Balkan Barometer for 2022, when it asked citizens in 6 countries what they considered the priorities of their governments for the 12 months in the following.

After the creation of employment opportunities, public order and security was ranked as the second most priority area for investments by Albanians and road infrastructure the third.

The survey showed that Albanians and Bosniaks considered employment the most important area where government policies should be focused with 45 and 48%, respectively, while in other countries of the Region employment as a priority is less important.

Albania and Bosnia have the highest levels of emigration in the Region. In Albania, surveys have found that about 85 percent of departures are for economic reasons and better employment opportunities.

Safety and protection from crime are the second biggest concern of Albanians. 39 percent of respondents in our country believe that Albania should have public order and the fight against Organized crime as a top priority. Albania had the highest percentage of respondents who list public order as the government's top priority for the next 12 months.

Në vendet e Rajonit kjo përqindje është më e ulët pasi rreth 1 e treta e konsiderojnë prioritet rendin dhe sigurinë.

Gjithashtu 23 % te të anketuarve në Shqipëri janë shprehur se në 12 muajt në vijim qeveria duhet të ketë prioritet investimet në infrastrukturën rrugore, në një përqindje mesatarisht të ngjashme me vendet e tjera të Ballkanit që e konsiderojnë ende të mangët infrastrukturën e transportit.

Studimet e mëparshme të institucioneve financiare ndërkombëtare kanë vlerësuar se Shqipëria ende ka një hendek infrastrukturor të paplotësuar me rreth 50 për qind. Edhe pse prej gati dy dekadash qeveritë shqiptare kanë përqendruar investimet publike në infrastrukturën e transportit vendi ende nuk ka një sistem efikas dhe e ka totalisht jo funksional transportin hekurudhor.

When it comes to other public services such as cleaning and communal services, Albanians are less concerned than the Region.

*This article was published by Monitor.al and reposted by Tiranapost.al