Vangjel Tavo, the new mayor of Himara, Rama: Spectacular victory
Prime Minister Edi Rama has reacted to the victory of Vangjel Tavos, as the new mayor of Himara.
As he has published a video where he appears together with Tavo in a meeting with supporters, Rama calls on Albanian immigrants to return to work and invest in this municipality.
and with the congratulations to the new mayor of Himara for the spectacular victory, the satisfaction of the significant support for the Socialist Party in yesterday's elections, as well as the determination to turn #Himara2030🇦🇱 into one of the most sought-after destinations in the Mediterranean, where in the first place all those who work in the tourism industry in Greece, return for better salaries and for the irreplaceable air of the homeland, I wish you all a week as peaceful as possible", writes Rama.