
Veliaj: Berisha, a rabid hyena who continues to poison

Veliaj: Berisha, a rabid hyena who continues to poison

Mayor Veliaj has reacted with a long status mainly to Sali Berisha's accusations, but also to recent developments with SPAK.

"Good morning,

I am beginning this reaction with a humble apology to all of you who are reading these words addressed to a rabid hyena, an unscrupulous being, an unwashed corpse called Sali Berisha - an evil who has poisoned and, unfortunately, continues to poison and divide this country for 34 years.

That this hyena, who rides every day with the dirtiest dirt that comes out of his mouth, is the bottom of the bottom of this nation, now everyone knows this. He has painted his own portrait before the Albanians, as the gravedigger of free elections, as a prison guard for the opposition leader in the '90s, as the one who plunged Albania into chaos and bloodshed for his power in '97, as an underminer of democracy and a blackmailer of the justice system, when he buried 26 Albanians alive in his family business in Gërdec, as a blackmailer of the Albanian state, when he was caught live killing on January 21, and today as a hostage-taker of the Albanian opposition, which he has decided to take with him to the grave.

That God, keeping him alive to brand and drag him down, is now giving him what he deserved after he killed, burned, robbed, and mutilated this country, this too is a public and historical fact, which you know and see every day with your own eyes.

However, his drooling of evil has not made any impression on me for a long time. But, since the wealth investigation that SPAK is conducting for me has turned into a rotten soup for all those hungry for revenge and the losers who want to feel victorious, I will say a few words to him.

I have not dealt with, nor will I deal with, his family, but with the crimes he committed, which I hope and wish that justice will shed light on as soon as possible, to the end, so that the last communist hyena of Europe will get what he deserves from justice, after the Albanian people have punished him in time, throwing him once and for all into the dustbin of history.

But what is the truth about the event that recently unleashed media fantasies and brought the hyena's fury inside my house?

On December 5th, I left for an official meeting with the Mayor of Hamburg, and the next day, on December 6th, I was at the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, to promote the Tirana Free Economic Zone - TEDA, to interested German operators.

On the morning of December 6, my wife, alone at home with our son, called me after the special prosecutor's office team had knocked on our apartment door. Of course, we shared without hesitation the belief that we should be completely transparent with our callers.

Despite the absence of a court order to enter the house and the unpleasant situation for the entire neighborhood where we have lived for 12 years, in a building built 15+ years ago (under which, by notice, by who knows who, media loudspeakers had been assembled, which were placed like in the milk queue before the investigation team itself arrived), my wife has been completely cooperative and transparent with the investigation team, for every request they made, and has even accompanied them herself, either to her office or to her parents' house.

This is the whole incident, which showed that I neither live in unjustified villas, nor do I have undeclared apartments, like hyenas and full of crows that have been attacking me since the first day of this job. We have neither accounts in Cyprus or anywhere else, nor large and undeclared transfers for aesthetic interventions, like those who, when caught by SPAK, are Skap, while when they want to lynch others in public, they are SPAK.

Ah yes, we have neither undeclared money nor unpaid taxes on our income, like many of their ravens.

Since the day I started this work with the Toy Corner at the Lake, where the Opposition and the Presidency were together with pistols on the sidewalk, and until today, from the Theater to Astiri, and with almost every job we have done, where mudslinging, lawsuits and strange things never stop bombarding and hindering this city, I have taken on, with full awareness of the costs of confronting hyenas and crows on a daily basis, the responsibility of moving Tirana forward, with my head held high for the many good works we have done and without hiding, even when I had to admit the mistakes that were made.

Unlike the hyena that daily brings dirty dishes into every house in Albania and the ravens that caw day and night on his behalf, my relationship with justice is not bewildered by the horror of the crimes committed, nor by the nightmare of hidden wealth, nor by the despair of losing power to regain it at all costs.

For me, SPAK is not fair when it attacks its opponents and unfair when it investigates me myself, even for the lawsuits filed by the korbats. Whether I like or dislike what is currently happening in relation to me and whether or not I personally consider all of SPAK's actions towards me and my family to be fair, this is of no importance to me institutionally. Therefore, not only do I not oppose in any way the activities of SPAK prosecutors and investigators, but I welcome them to carry out their duty to the end, as they see fit.

But what would happen if we, the socialists, after every investigation or transparency demanded by SPAK, attacked SPAK as a criminal gang or organized protests like the hyenas that have held this country hostage for decades?

This is our difference: We treat the justice institutions as colleagues and statesmen, the opposition considers them bandits and traitors. This is also the biggest difference, which makes me feel very good in front of those who have trusted me and supported me all these years, from Edi Rama the first, to friends in the party forums, and the citizens of Tirana, who today live in a European city, in one of the most important metropolises in the region.

For me, SPAK is a constitutional institution of my country and I am totally at the disposal of the investigation, convinced that, in the end, the truth will triumph. I am equally convinced of my right and hopeful in the professionalism and independence of this constitutional institution.

"This is precisely the difference between us and the hyenas we face, which should make every member and voter of the Socialist Party proud and should shame, as an Albanian and as a citizen, anyone who continues to applaud and salute the dead Sali and his gang of ravens," writes Veliaj.

Veliaj's response comes after Berisha's allusions regarding the amount of cash found by SPAK's check in Veliaj's wife's office.