Confession of an astrologer: I was connected to all the signs of the Zodiac! Here's what I learned from each of them

By LISA STARDUST/ I've dated every zodiac sign and I have some news: the stereotypical zodiac traits are true. Scorpio is passionate, Virgos are kind and Pisces need their freedom...
Aries are known to be super attentive to the person they are dating. They won't give up until they are blinded by their desire, and, let's just say this generalization is true. I've met a lot of Aries people and every time I open my heart to one, they love bomb me to get my attention and then start walking away when it gets real.
The longest relationship I've had in my life has been with a Taurus. And, my first relationship was with another Taurus. Known as stubborn, loyal, sensual, sweet and romantic, Taurus give everything to love. The lesson I learned is that you can't rush a Taurus. Take it slow. It will be worth the wait. Love takes time. They will prove to be the greatest romantics of your life.
As a Gemini myself, dating another Gemini was exhausting. They live in a world of contradictions and you never know what to expect. Basically, it was like meeting myself. It was a lot of fun though. Even after the relationship ended, we remained friends.
The crab
Cancers are very sensitive creatures. When I dated a Cancer, we would talk for hours about our feelings. Crabs are silent, as a way to protect themselves. Years later, I still get the occasional message from him with statements like "I miss you" etc.
I met the cutest Leo ever at a New Year's party. They are charming, they love attention, they know what they want and they won't give up until they get praise. As you would guess, he put on a song and started dancing to win my heart by reciting poetry in an old English accent (which totally freaked me out). He immediately followed me on Instagram and made his presence known by commenting and liking all my posts. The chemistry ended when he found someone else to impress.
During that time, we were both dating other people. Finally, he made the move by asking me out for a quiet dinner when we were both single. I fell in love with him. I would get angry, jealous and insecure because he still talked about exes. Over time, his patience ran out (a typical Virgo feeling).
Libras tend to bond quickly when they decide they like someone, and that's exactly what happened with my roommate. Although they can be decisive when it comes to finding love, they are not straightforward when it comes to breaking up with their partner. He was not direct with me. The Libra ex used the last days of our relationship to create a whole new life for himself.
Scorpios are known for their intense and passionate feelings, which means they can be a bit controlling at times. Being the carefree air sign that I am, it was hard to relate to their lustful nature. We shared a lot of laughs though because I can appreciate their dark and quirky sense of humor. To be honest, we totally bonded as friends. They will never abandon anyone. I know I can call them if I'm in trouble, because a Scorpio's love is anything but conditional.
To be honest, it's not like I took my relationship with a Sagittarius too seriously. In retrospect, they probably liked it. Mainly because they are the free spirits of the zodiac. Also, Sagittarians are very open (which means their words can hurt and sting sometimes).
I have been dating a Capricorn for almost a year. The relationship was great until things got tough. He tried to improve our relationship. However, his effort didn't help because I didn't like his unwavering loyalty to his friends even when they hurt him.
I fell badly in love with my Aquarian ex. We shared art, music and TV series. He was hot and cold as well as indecisive. It is my biggest concern. Aquarians aren't straightforward and cut you out of their lives when they're ready to move on.
My second big break was from a Pisces person. I loved their creativity, emotional maturity and free spirit. He was a musician and photographer who made money through art, which was very inspiring to me. He left to pursue his professional dreams in another country. I had to let it go. I didn't want to keep it in a fish tank. I let him go to follow his visions.