If you don't like the consequences, don't create the causes
If you want me to listen, don't yell at me. If you want my respect, treat me with consideration. Because if you don't like the consequences, you don't have to create the causes. What you sow, sooner or later, you will reap.
Perhaps these ideas lead you to think about the view that every stimulus has an associated consequence. It is not necessary to be deterministic, but we all have a delicate balance within us in which every change causes a reaction.
"If you want to know your present, look at your past, because it is the result of it. If you want to know your future, take care of the present, because the second is the cause of the first"
There are those who believe in coincidence and those who do not. Leaving room for the unexpected, the impossible and the magical always comforts the heart. However, we must admit that the so-called "causes" exist and often define us.
Life is an ongoing lesson, so we must allow ourselves to be humble students to understand that an action always has a consequence, that words have the power to hurt or heal, that a thought generates an emotion, and that it can, in turn, help us see the world in one way or another.
Weight of Consequences, also called "Law of Consequences"
Humans have very basic knowledge of cause and effect relationships. The world of machinery and engineering, for example, undoubtedly offers us very clear lessons on this subject, even if in reality they are not very profound: if we press a certain button, the computer will turn on; if we brake the car we will save from many accidents.
Human behavior is much more complex. We don't have buttons and we don't have an instruction manual. So much so that sometimes, by interacting in the same way with two different people, the consequences are very different between them. We humans are wonderful and complicated, having a subtle mix of emotions, affections and values that create different reactions when faced with the same stimuli.
The law of cause and effect, or the law of consequence, gives us fundamental information about the world of human relations, which are worth considering:
Every action, thought or intention is like a boomerang. Sooner or later, that behavior, that word said to someone, comes back to us with a certain effect.
The things we are suffering, the things that trouble us in this complex present, are connected to a cause that we must look for in our past.
We should not see all this as some kind of determinism, but accept it as it is. We are free and powerful creatures, able to choose what to do, what to decide and what to think at any moment.
It is therefore the responsibility of each of us to try to foresee the consequences of each of our actions: we must be more reflective and intuitive.
Take care of your actions, words and thoughts
People are not only what they say or do: they are above all what they think. This is how we constrain our reality to give it shape, body, and substance. If your thoughts are filled with fear, with voices that say "I can't" or "I don't deserve it", the paths you will travel will be swamps filled with barbed wire in which you will have to defend yourself every day.
The subject of causes and effects does not only affect those around us: it affects us first and foremost, as creative agents, as powerful beings, capable of shaping personal reality. Below we will explain how to be the protagonist of your reality in a healthy way.
Treat the causes to get more original consequences
We can all have a more dignified and happy life if we take more care of our actions and watch our words so that they do not harm or upset us or others. The law of cause and effect reminds us that everything we do, say or think has an impact on both us and those around us.
After all, it is the realization of what Galileo Galilei once said: "Things are united by invisible ties: you cannot pick a flower without disturbing a star." Let's now look at how to create healthier and more dignified consequences.
If you do good deeds, you will reap good results. Don't get hung up on the hope that others will always recognize your good deeds: it is you who should pay more attention to your correct, respectful and noble behavior.
Desires create goals, and goals shape many actions. So make your wishes fulfilling, positive and constructive, for yourself and for others.
Another aspect to consider is automation. We live a good part of the day automatically, we just let ourselves get carried away by the moments. This causes us to disconnect from our inner world and even from our emotions.
Slow down! Stop it! Analyze the possible consequences before you say every word. Stop and turn off that mental noise made up of limiting attitudes and insecurity. Reframe your thoughts with renewed energy, strength and love to be able to change your reality.
Sometimes the smallest things give life to great universes of happiness and everything, absolutely everything, can be born from a simple thought.
Originally published on bota.al