Weekly horoscope Aries - Taurus

Weekly horoscope Aries - Taurus


During the week, the Moon's transit to Mars will give you the courage, enthusiasm and initiative to act on your strongest and deepest desires. You will have the opportunity to fight for yourself and your family or fight for a cause that is important to you.

During these seven days you will have to make a decision and implement it quickly. This week is not for wasting time on thoughts that will get you nowhere. Such inaction on your part can create unwanted chaos.

The problems will be precisely as a result of the lack of active actions on your part.

This week can be very successful for you, but everything will depend on the speed of your actions, in seizing the opportunities that will appear.

You will meet new people who will be important for your affairs. Conversations or meetings with them should not be underestimated.

The actions of the new people in your life this week will not be random.

It is possible that this week you will be able to complete some unfinished business that you could not finish some time ago.

Avoid people who have a malicious or envious nature, whether their actions are directed against you or other people.

Relatives will need your attention and you will have to deal more responsibly with some important issues for them.

Boys and girls will spend a week in which they will have some serious conversations or meetings with relatives. During these seven days you will have to make important decisions that will not be difficult, but will require almost exact execution, regardless of what they are related to. This will be a favorable time to work with documents or a contract.

Men will face serious difficulties this week, mostly related to past events, decisions or commitments. It is possible that the situation in the present is more complicated than what you have been through. It will be important for you to think carefully about what you say, or what is said to you, so that no unwanted misunderstandings arise.

Women will be emotional, sensitive, wanting attention and love. Such unusual behavior on your part can cause problems with people who are used to seeing you in a different light. In general, this will be a more interesting, successful and productive week for you. A pleasant surprise that will come through a phone call, letter, email or proposal is not excluded.


During the week of June 3 - 9, the Moon moves from the zodiac sign Aries to Taurus, which may make you want to sleep all day.

This transit can make you want to overspend, as this position brings a certain addiction to spending money on all kinds of purchases. Since Taurus is a fixed sign, you can be a bit stubborn about the issues that concern you.

During the week, carefully choose your surroundings and the people with whom you will meet or gather.

During these seven days, you can expect useful information about your work or personal life, which will play an important role in your plans.

During this week, do not lie and do not allow anyone to lie to you, no matter for what purpose.

The development of your material and property matters will develop well this week. You can buy or sell, build or renovate, etc.

The various events that will take place this week will be reasons for reflection and re-evaluation on your part.

Where you live or work, changes and experiences are coming, which will cause different questions to you.

The answers are somewhere in the future, which you will have to patiently reach.

Boys and girls will spend an interesting week in which they will be able to realize some important plans or wishes. Luck will be on your side, but be careful how you use it. Everything related to your education or career will have the opportunity to develop in the best way for you. Misfortunes, where they arise, will mostly be related to your love life, a relationship you are trying to form, or the disappointment of being rejected for friendship.

Men will have different engagements with women that will somehow require spending money. During this week you will face greater expenses related to your home or discuss important financial issues with family members. During these conversations, confrontations and debates may arise that should not be deepened.

Women will have their own expectations for this week, which in most cases will be related to family, parents or children. You may attend an important family gathering that will require you to make some preparations or spend money. Your thoughts this week will turn more often to your past, to your past acquaintances or experiences.