
The 60th anniversary of the Ismail Qemali school brings together the famous characters who studied there

The 60th anniversary of the Ismail Qemali school brings together the famous

The 60th anniversary of the "Ismail Qemalit" high school brought together today, in a day of celebrations for this jubilee, students and teachers who study in this high school, as well as personalities from different fields, who have completed their studies over the years. On the anniversary that also coincides with the 110th anniversary of Independence, a series of activities took place in the premises of the high school of Tirana.

Flag embroidery scenes were improvised by the students.

The 60th anniversary of the Ismail Qemali school brings together the famous

The Mayor of Tirana, Erion Veliaj, present at the event, said:

"In 1912, they asked Ismail Qemali: What do you want to achieve with this effort for Albania? He says 3 things: We want our Albanian nation to be united in one state, we want our nation to wave the red and black flag and we want our society to progress intellectually! The first two have been realized, - we have our state, our flag, - the third, the intellectual progress of our society, is what fortunately happens in a school named "Ismail Qemali". Therefore, my gratitude is deep for those who stepped into this school 60 years ago, graduated - those were difficult years for Albania - and that 60-year-old, even though it coincides with the age of our grandparents, to coincide with the youth of them, so I would very much like this school to continue and be an engine of extraordinary energy for the city," said Veliaj.

The 60th anniversary of the Ismail Qemali school brings together the famous

The 60th anniversary of the Ismail Qemali school brings together the famous

The Minister of Education, Evis Kushi, said that the list of personalities graduated from this school is long, while singling out one of them, the former Prime Minister Pandeli Majko. "I wanted to tell the mayor Erion Veliaj that indeed "Sami Frashëri" produces ministers, but this school produces prime ministers, because at the top of the list I saw our friend Pandeli Majko, a school with traditions that makes us all proud. Many thanks also to the mayor, who, in fact, as a former high school student of "Sami Frashër", there may be more emotions there, - but like Erion Veliaj, the mayor of the Municipality of Tirana has the same dedication, the same love and responsibility for all schools," said minister Kushi.

The 60th anniversary of the Ismail Qemali school brings together the famous

The 60th anniversary of the Ismail Qemali school brings together the famous
