Tirana Marathon at the weekend. These are the traffic restrictions
Tomorrow, the capital will host the "Fun Run Tirana" running race with 9-year-old and high school students, while on Sunday, the international sports and promotional activity of the year, which is the "Tirana Marathon", will take place.
In order to make these two activities, "Fun Run" and "Marathon of Tirana 2022", the Municipal Police in cooperation with the State Police have drawn up a plan of measures for traffic management in the entire city of Tirana.
The Municipal Police informs that in the entire perimeter of the race, as a function of safety, it has placed temporary road signs, prohibition of stay and rest for vehicles.
In order to ensure the safety of the competitors and the success of the Marathon, as well as to ease traffic, the Municipal Police appeals to citizens to use private vehicles as little as possible on October 22-23 to avoid traffic in the city.
Also, citizens are asked not to attempt to enter the perimeter of the race by vehicle, during the race, as this is strictly prohibited, and they will have to immediately obey the police services in eventual traffic diversions.
During these two days, the Municipal Police calls on citizens not to park their private vehicles within the perimeter of the race, contrary to the established road signs. Those vehicles that will be found parked on the streets where the race will take place, will be removed with a lifting device by the police services.
Për të lehtësuar mbarëvajtjen e këtyre dy eventeve të rëndësishme sportive, Policia Bashkiake u kërkon qytetarëve që do të duan të lëvizin me automjetet e tyre, që ndodhen të parkuara në brendësi të lagjeve dhe brenda perimetrit të garës, që t’i nxjerrin ato jashtë perimetrit, përpara orës 08:00 të datës 23 Tetor, pasi rrugët do të bllokohen deri në orën 16:00 dhe nuk do të kenë mundësi të hyjnë-dalin, nga zona e perimetrit te garës me automjet.
Një apel i Policisë Bashkiake shkon dhe për përdoruesit e biçikletave, monopatinave, apo motorëve elektrikë, të cilëve u kërkohet që të mos lëvizin në rrugët ku do te jenë vrapuesit gjatë zhvillimit të garës.
To facilitate the movement of citizens, the volunteers of the Municipality of Tirana and the police services will help all those who need to cross the road, in the designated places, without becoming an obstacle for the runners.
On October 22, from 09:00-11:00, at blv. Martyrs of the Nation, the "Fun Run Tirana" running race will take place, with 9-year-old and high school students, and on October 23, from 08:00-16:00, the "Tirana Marathon" will take place .