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EU integration within the decade, Bushati: People don't eat chapters

EU integration within the decade, Bushati: People don't eat chapters

The former Foreign Minister, Ditmir Bushati, commented on the election of Trump as President of America and at the end of the interview on A2CNN, he was also asked about "Albania in the EU in 2030". This is a promise made by Prime Minister Rama.

Bushati is skeptical and argues why.

He recalls the case of Serbia, whose leaders promised to join the EU in 2025. What should Albania do to enter the EU and above all what should the EU itself do so that its promises do not remain mere rhetoric?

"The EU has not yet decided what to do with the countries of the Western Balkans, which are waiting for the Thessaloniki Summit in 2023 to join the EU.

Von der Leyen talks about a European perspective. Thank you, but this European perspective is guaranteed to us primarily by geography and our political vocation.

There is no need for anyone to tell us that we are Europeans, because we know geography and history very well.

In the first place, the EU must split its mind and must determine whether this commission, this 5-year mandate will be for enlargement or not.

As long as the EU has not made up its mind what to do with our countries, we will see this comfort zone from which our countries suffer. Verbal agreements for EU membership. If you want years... I know when this history of the years that we will enter the EU began in 2005, in 2010, in 2015, in 2020, but people do not eat either chapters or groups of chapters .

People need to see that we are serious and that we fight corruption not with words, but with deeds. That we take political responsibility", said Bushati, among other things.