The data of the population census, how many residents there are in Kosovo, are published

The Statistics Agency of Kosovo has published the preliminary data of the population census and according to these data, Kosovo has 1,586,659 resident inhabitants.
The acting director of KAS, Avni Kastrati, said that the final data of the population census is planned to be published at the end of the year.
He said that it is not expected that there will be big differences from the preliminary data, stressing that according to practices in the countries of the region, the difference can be from 1 to 3 percent.
The population census was conducted in all municipalities of Kosovo from April 5 to May 24.
Kastrati said that these data do not include the number of members of the diaspora, as the process of their registration is still ongoing. Currently, according to him, about 600,000 are registered in the diaspora.
As for the registration of the Serbian community, KAS said that the process was largely boycotted in the four municipalities in the north of Kosovo, inhabited by a majority of Serbs. Meanwhile, Serbs living south of the Iber River have participated in the registration process.
According to preliminary data, 2,300 people were registered in North Mitrovica, 435 in Zveçan, 758 in Zubin Potok and 3,207 in Leposaviq.
ASK said that the average age in Kosovo has increased. In 2011, the average age in the country was estimated to be around 30 years, while now it is 34.32.
During the presentation of the data, it was said that nine municipalities had an increase in population, while another 29 had a decrease. Fushë Kosova leads with the largest increase of about 84 percent. In this municipality, the most people live in one square meter, namely 762.