
Extreme weather in Europe, Norway floods, Spain and Portugal burn from fires and temperatures

Extreme weather in Europe, Norway floods, Spain and Portugal burn from fires and

From torrential rain and flooding in Norway and Croatia, to scorching temperatures in Spain and Portugal, here's a look at this week's weather across Europe.

More evacuations in Norway

More evacuations were considered Friday in southeastern Norway, where water levels in swollen rivers and lakes continued to rise after days of torrential rain.

Huge volumes of water, filled with broken trees and debris, roared through the usually calm rivers. One of the hardest hit places was the town of Hønefossen, where the Begna River had overflowed its banks and authorities were considering moving more people downstream for fear of landslides. Up to 2,000 people have already been evacuated.

Storm Hans battered Northern Europe on Monday and Tuesday, leading to transport disruptions, flooding and power outages across the Nordic and Baltic region.

Extreme weather in Europe, Norway floods, Spain and Portugal burn from fires and

Croatia, Drava reaches record levels

Në Kroaci, lumi Drava arriti nivele rekord prej 704 centimetrash. Rreth 50 shtëpi pushimi përgjatë lumit në anën tjetër të argjinaturës janë përmbytur. Shiu i rrëmbyeshëm i kohëve të fundit i ka shtyrë autoritetet të shpallin një "gjendje të jashtëzakonshme" në disa pjesë të vendit.

Spanjë, vala e tretë e të nxehtit

Ndërkohë, Spanja po vuan valën e tretë të nxehtë të verës, pasi temperaturat u ngjitën në 46 gradë Celsius në qytetin lindor të Valencias.

Extreme weather in Europe, Norway floods, Spain and Portugal burn from fires and

Qeveria vendore hapi një strehë të veçantë për të pastrehët për t'i shpëtuar diellit dhe për të pasur ushqim, ujë të freskët dhe dush.

Qendra e qytetit ishte më e zbrazët se zakonisht, pasi shumë njerëz u arratisën në plazhet apo fshatrat Valenciane.

Portugali, Njerëzit ikin për t'i shpëtuar zjarreve në pyje

Large forest fires continued across southern Portugal. Extreme winds and heat fueled fires that have destroyed 15,000 hectares of trees.

Extreme weather in Europe, Norway floods, Spain and Portugal burn from fires and

The biggest fires were seen in the southern Odemira region, where thousands of people were evacuated from the Algarve, a hugely popular tourist destination.

Experts say that repeated heat waves, which have become longer and more intense, are a consequence of climate change.

The Iberian Peninsula is facing the brunt of climate change in Europe, with droughts and fires becoming more common.