What will the weather be like today and how high will the temperatures go?
2024-08-08 08:24:39
The weather in our country is expected to be clear and sunny without the exception of medium and occasionally dense clouds from noon to afternoon in the hilly-mountainous reliefs mainly in the east and southeast of the territory.
These clouds in the high mountain reliefs will be accompanied by short-term and extremely isolated rains in the form of thunderstorms.
The wind will blow in a northwest-southwest direction at a speed of 1-4 m/s, while along the coastline, the valley and the mountains, the wind gains a speed of 5-10 m/s, accompanied by waves of force 1-2.
Temperatures are forecast:
- In mountainous reliefs 19 to 37°C
-In low areas 18 to 38°C
- In coastal areas 22 to 37°C