
Prime Minister's video message about his brother and the charges brought by SPAK

Prime Minister's video message about his brother and the charges brought by

Prime Minister Edi Rama, in a video message, has addressed for the first time the accusations against his brother, Olsi Rama, for drug trafficking, stating that they are unfounded assumptions intended to harm him, and that they have been dismissed by SPAK. Meanwhile, the Prime Minister has also chosen to address the accusations that have been made against him over the years, which have violated his private life and those of his family.

Message from Prime Minister Edi Rama

Dear fellow citizens!

Last year, MP Gazmend Bardhi made an extreme accusation against my brother, Olsi Rama, in public.

He denounced, tried, and sentenced him in public as a drug trafficker, creating the typical circumstances of a false accusation, through a criminal fabrication, based on an old prosecution file for a group of traffickers.

In that file, there was also talk of an unidentified person, who has not been found by the prosecution. According to this gentleman, who is not just a gentleman, this person is looking for my brother.

In fact, according to him, the two prosecutors in the case had hidden my brother's identity in exchange for favors received from me, and I had promoted both of them in their careers for this criminal favor.

I haven't been explained to this day.

While this bunch of guys and his tutor have been leaving no stone unturned in publicizing this slanderous extortion, I have been patient, very patient. I did not want to speak with my convictions before justice speaks with its evidence.

Finally, after questioning everyone it deemed reasonable and investigating everything it deemed necessary, SPAK stated that it had reached the conclusion that Olsi Rama has no connection with the unidentified person in the file in question and there is no evidence or fact linking my brother to criminal activity.

So with facts and evidence, not conjecture and fabrications, it is crystal clear that my brother was used as cannon fodder to attack and bring me down in the eyes of public opinion.

Now, this is not the first blow of this kind to me - there is no way it will be the last - from a so-called democratic party, which is the historical pawn of a tar-and-ink gang, which has grabbed that party by the throat since its birth and has used it as a private hose, to publicly pour out all the needs of a vulgar political war, without any respect for the truth, for man, for Albania and the Albanian language.

I don't bet. But I'm willing to bet that there isn't a possible accusation that hasn't come from that gut of mine in all these years.

Here is a very brief balance sheet and you decide for yourself if there is anything left to accuse me of.
