Kurti: Kosovo does not accept the Association as a condition for membership in the Council of Europe

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, insisted on Wednesday that his Government will not accept the establishment of the Association of municipalities with a Serbian majority as a condition for Kosovo's membership in the Council of Europe (CoE).
Speaking at the Government meeting in Pristina, Kurti said that Kosovo is facing "a new condition, which has nothing to do with membership" in the Council of Europe.
"The government does not accept the conditionality of membership in KiE with the Association. For the normalization of relations with Serbia, we talk in Brussels, not in Strasbourg", said Kurti.
France and Germany asked Kosovo to take steps towards establishing the Association shortly after the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe gave the green light for Kosovo's admission to this organization at the end of April.
KiE – leader in Europe for human rights – can vote for Kosovo's admission on May 16.
"We heard that there are capitals that are now conditioning the finalization of the membership process with sending a document to the Constitutional Court of Kosovo... The Government of Kosovo cannot send to the Constitutional Court documents that it has not accepted and which are not official . This request to us was and remains absurd", Kurti added.