
Rama to Athens: I have come to meet the equal masters of this house, not the former servants of Greece

Rama to Athens: I have come to meet the equal masters of this house, not the

Prime Minister Rama in the meeting with the Albanian immigrants in Athens said that he has come to meet with the equal masters of the house in Greece and not with the former servants of the Greeks.

“Someone said I shouldn't have come to visit you, but perhaps when they see this display of family joy, they will understand that I have not come to meet their former servants. I have come to fight with the equal masters of this house. I have come to talk to equal citizens in democratic Europe. You, the Albanians of Greece, are today an added value of work, economy, knowledge, culture of this blessed country where for 25 centuries the cradle of philosophy and democracy, with which we are connected not only by the neighborhood. Greeks have been and will be welcome in Albania not only to rest but also to work, open shops, set up companies, start investment lines to benefit from a much lower tax regime than in Greece. Even Albania is so welcoming to the Greeks that it does not create any trouble for them. On the contrary, some misunderstood Greek politician who comes to protest there and then comes and loses the elections here creates all the conditions! Byjrum! Like in your home", said Rama.