Estrogen and Progesterone, why are the two female hormones underestimated and mistreated?

Rocio Salas-Whalen MD, an endocrinologist, has focused her attention on the two female hormones progesterone and estrogen, which she believes are undervalued, or even worse, mistreated.
You can find the explanation below.
Every day, in my work I test hormones, reduce, add or replace them.
Over the years in my expertise, I learned the function of every hormone in our body.
It is now clearer to me than ever that estrogen and progesterone have always been minimized and only simple reproductive function has been emphasized. However, they did not teach us anything about their other functions in a woman's body.
Why? Because no one has studied this topic.
As an endocrinologist and as a woman, that will change now.
Below you will find some valuable information.
Estrogen and progesterone are the only hormones that we have accepted and justified not to replace when they are lacking, that is, when they decrease during menopause.
For no other hormone would they think twice about getting it back through medications and supplements.
We treat and replace any other hormonal deficiency. Thyroid, insulin, cortisol, testosterone, growth hormone, and many more.
As endocrinologists we know that hormones have an immediate and long-term impact on the human body.
Therefore, based on their lack, we replace them, except for progesterone and estrogen.
The mistake we are making as a society and as medicine is that by treating these hormones as purely reproductive, we are robbing women of many benefits from these hormones.
Basically, we're saying to women, your health counts until reproduction.
It is important that endocrinologists, all doctors, but also women treat these two hormones like any other hormone and replace them according to the deficiency in the body.