
Why we are more at risk of diseases when we are stressed

Why we are more at risk of diseases when we are stressed

Long-term stress has a very negative impact on mental and physical health. When a person faces stress, the body activates the mechanism known as 'fight or flight'. This mechanism aims to help the organism survive a potentially dangerous situation. It stimulates the release of certain hormones, which can slow down the functions of the immune system, increase blood pressure and heart rate.

The moment the organism perceives that the danger is gone, the person is able to calm down and the functions return to normal. However, if stress is persistent, the "fight or flight" mechanism is constantly active and releases countless hormones that subdue the immune system.

Thus, man is more vulnerable to diseases.

How to deal with stress?

Nowadays, stress is simply unavoidable. Experts give the following tips to deal more easily with stress and its devastating consequences:

Give up technology for a few hours a day and spend more time in nature. 10 minutes in nature has a stress-relieving effect.

Read a book.

Do yoga.

Do at least 30 minutes of physical activity.

Cook a healthy meal for yourself and your family.

Keep a journal of the day's events.

Talk to a friend, relative or someone you love and supports you.

Install apps that help you calm down or de-stress. These apps on your phone help you and show you how to meditate, breathe and disconnect from stressful situations.

A stressed person is confused and unclear in thoughts and speaks very quickly. Practice speaking slowly by focusing on words, thoughts and reactions.

Drink water, because dehydration tends to increase anxiety.