The good news is that fewer and fewer people are dying from cancer, due to new and developed therapies and early detection of the disease.
But on the other hand, a recent report in America reveals that cancer is no longer limited to those over 50. Breast cancer or others are increasingly affecting women under 50.
Also, the cancer rate in women under the age of 50 relative to men has increased significantly, going from 51% higher in 2002 to 82% higher in 2021.
In all cases, timely detection and periodic checks are essential.
According to the study, lung cancer remains the leading cause of death.
American doctor Jon LaPook tells CBS that the first thing to do is look at your family history, if there have been any cases. Cervical cancer is preventable with the HPV vaccine.
One of the main factors is smoking, which causes 30% of deaths, says Lapook.
Lapook recommends getting regular medical checkups whenever you have the opportunity.