The silence of Europe
By Edgar Morin / In the minds of rulers and the governed, error and illusion have too often reigned. A decade of haunting is the one between the 1930s and 1940s, where the inability to believe the invasion of France and a second world war prevailed. In the wake of economic development in the "glorious thirties" towards a consumer society, it was unimaginable to believe that the foundations of our civilization would shake and that technical-economic development would lead not only to the lack of ethical-political development, but even in gigantic planetary crises.
At the same time, the degradation of the biosphere, which includes the anthroposphere, was ignored and hidden, a fact known since the 1970s by the scientific pioneers of ecology. And ecological awareness, non-existent for half a century, still remains insufficient. The security of politicians and economists, according to whom neoliberalism would produce continuous growth, was an illusion. The global pandemic, which caused a great and multidimensional planetary crisis, was misunderstood, given the predominance of a mechanistic, linear thinking unable to conceive the complexity of the phenomena. While we rejoice that we have entered the society of knowledge, we are plunged into a blindness that is all the greater so long as we believe that we possess the proper means of knowledge.
This blindness leads us to ignore that in 1945 a new era of mortal threats to humanity began, a threat that has been increasingly increased by the proliferation of nuclear weapons, their sophistication and the possibility of use in the first case of escalation and the escalation of the war in Ukraine. We have entered the crisis of humanity without approaching Humanity; but we don't see the whole thing, we mostly see some fragments of the big problem.
And it was under these conditions that the aggression of Ukraine by Russia was carried out. Not only are the horrors and crimes of previous wars, such as World War II, reproduced, not only is there a lack of awareness of the unexpected, the unpredictable, the error, the illusion that play us unconscious games throughout history, but new horrors also appear, new mistakes, new illusions, new surprises, new surprises.
I say that now my purpose in describing all the wars I have known can be understood. For every war brings criminality, more or less according to the nature of the combatants; every war embodies Manichaeism, one-sided propaganda, war hysteria, espionage, lies, the refinement of ever more deadly weapons, mistakes and illusions, unexpected events and surprises... And I think it is essential that these considerations be present in our view about the current war: The war in Ukraine does not escape the logic of any war fought between fierce and determined opponents.
So now we have to recognize, at the same time, what appears to be simple (the Russian occupation of Ukraine, the contradiction between Western democracy and Russian despotism) and what is complex (the historical and geopolitical context).
Është për t'u habitur që në një situatë kaq të rrezikshme, rreziku i së cilës po rritet vazhdimisht, në vendet më të ekspozuara ngrihen aq pak zëra në favor të paqes, mbi të gjitha në Europë. Është e habitshme të shohësh kaq pak vetëdije dhe kaq pak vullnet në Europë, mbi të gjitha në përfytyrimin dhe promovimin e një politike paqeje. Të flasësh për armëpushim, për negociata, denoncohet si një kapitullim poshtërues nga ana e luftëtarëve, të cilët inkurajojnë luftën që duan me çdo kusht ta shmangin në shtëpinë e tyre. Kohët e fundit janë ngritur disa zëra, përfshirë atë të Andrea Riccardi-t, themelues i komunitetit të Sant'Egidio. Por këto zëra mbyten nga zëri në lulëzim i mbështetësve rusë dhe amerikanë të "deri në fund" (ku është fundi?).
Urgjenca është e madhe: kjo luftë nxit një krizë të konsiderueshme e cila përkeqëson dhe do të rëndojë më shumë të gjitha krizat e tjera të mëdha që ka vuajtur njerëzimi si kriza ekologjike, kriza ekonomike, ajo e qytetërimeve, kriza e mendimit. Në vitin 2017 kishte tetëdhjetë milionë njerëz në prag të zisë së bukës. Pas pandemisë, dyqind e shtatëdhjetë e gjashtë milionë, dhe aktualisht treqind e dyzet e pesë milionë. Sa më shumë rëndohet lufta, aq më e vështirë dhe më urgjente është paqja. Le të shmangim një luftë botërore. Do të ishte më e keqe se ajo e mëparshmja.
*Edgar Morin is a French philosopher and sociologist, born in Paris in 1921. His voluminous work consists mainly of the analysis of cultural phenomena in relation to the means of mass communication and the epistemology of the humanities, which has culminated in the work "Method". He has recently published the book "From War to War", from which the above section is excerpted, translated into Albanian by Erjon Uka.