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Suggestions to add the color of the year to the house

Suggestions to add the color of the year to the house

Viva Magenta (PANTONE 18-1750)! This is the color of 2023 that was revealed just before 2022 ended.

The invigorating color of the red shade, with a balance between warm and cool, is also beautiful.

Cosmopolitan suggests that it can be used on the wall, on furniture, from armchairs to candles.

Below are some suggestions along with relevant ordering links.

Suggestions to add the color of the year to the house

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Suggestions to add the color of the year to the house

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Suggestions to add the color of the year to the house

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Suggestions to add the color of the year to the house

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Suggestions to add the color of the year to the house

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Suggestions to add the color of the year to the house

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