Sipas Braçes

Erion Brace reacts to rising oil prices

Erion Brace reacts to rising oil prices

Socialist MP Erion Braçe in an analysis of the increase in oil prices said that it is clear that the price has increased in international markets, which is also reflected in Albania, but according to him our country is different from other countries, due to measures with it which are facing this price increase. But what needs to be done to mitigate this price increase, he does this by showing the reality by mentioning a number of concessions. And the attitude of Erion Brace is known, when he says that many of them should be public services, which would bring less cost to the Albanian state and especially to consumers.

Brace Post:



Me cmimin 194-195 leke dy fjali te japin dy ndjesi te ndryshme;
E para: Eshte rritur kudo e do rritej dhe tek ne; te trishton, te jep ndjesine e dorezimit ndaj nje fenomeni ne evrope e me gjere por qe ka perballe masa te ndryshme:

E dyta: Si me cmim te lire ashtu dhe me cmim te larte, nafta konsumohet po njesoj; e thene nga tregtaret te irriton:

Eshte krejt normale qe nje cmim i rritur ne tregjet nderkombetare te reflektohet edhe ketu, sa kohe ne jemi te varur 100% nga importi;

Eshte krejt normale qe qeveria te marre tatime e taksa ligjerisht edhe nga ky mall si ne cdo mall tjeter, akcize, takse qarkullimi, takse karboni, TVSH;
(Eshte iluzion pretendimi se shpenzimet per makinen, levizjen tone, do jene me pak se do hiqet taksa e qarkullimit nga nafta; do e paguash me vete e smund ti ikesh hic, parate e tua do jene).

Ajo qe nuk eshte normale, qe kercet,
ka te bej me faktin qe te gjithe-politikisht dhe ekonomikisht, duan te fitojne nga nje liter nafte;
Tarifa koncesioni, vertetime, licensime e rilicensime, jane shume e arrijne 14-15 leke!

A duhen?
Jane te gjitha sherbime publike qe fare mire duhet ti bente shteti, te ishin sherbime publike e me tarifa minimale apo falas; sherbime kontrolli jane, administrimi.

Ndaj, vlen shume nje analize e perbashket, ligjore, transparente e cmimit te naftes;
The first in 30 years - what is the price at which oil comes here, what are the taxes and fees of central and local governments, what are the concession fees;

Even an analysis of the profit of companies within this price;

179, 182 but also 189, 192, 194, 196 lek per liter, it is not a MARKET, it is shopping and unfair!

Fair oil price now!