Veliaj with the volleyball and basketball champion teams: Whoever brings the cup to Tirana is rewarded
The Mayor of Tirana, Erion Veliaj, welcomed the boys of the volleyball and basketball teams of SK Tirana, who were declared champions this season, and praised the work of each of them, thanking them for the fact that they brought 2 important cups to the capital . He said that the Municipality of Tirana will continue the good tradition of rewarding athletes who bring cups or medals for Tirana.
"I greatly appreciate the sacrifice you have made, your work, your commitment to ensure that today Tirana is a champion, both in men's volleyball and basketball", said Veliaj. He also appreciated the work being done with young athletes, through the promotion of volleyball and basketball in the community.
"I value the elite basketball and volleyball team very much, but what I value more is community sports. I am very happy that many of you, beyond the Tirana uniform, have engaged in the training of many little girls and boys. They probably still don't know if they will be with Tirana, Partizan or Dinamo, if they will play outside of Albania or outside of Europe, but the fact that today they are involved in sports, they have rolled up their sleeves, they are engaged like never before in gyms and summer camps, it fills my heart with joy. I'm really grateful for that! I know that this is not the essence of your mission, the essence of the mission is to bring this cup to the Municipality of Tirana, but I believe that it is an equally important mission", he said.
Veliaj theksoi ekipi që sjell kupë në Tiranë do të vlerësohet përtej mbështetjes së vazhdueshme që bashkia jep për sportin. “Premtimi që kam dhënë është se do shpërblejmë ata që sjellin një kupë në Bashkinë e Tiranës. Në rastin e futbollit, kësaj here ishte Partizani. Çfarë mendoj unë për Federatën e Futbollit është shumë publike dhe të gjithë e dinë, por nuk jam unë ai që gjykoj. Në finale unë kam thënë: Kush sjell kupë në Tiranë do të shpërblehet. E njëjta gjë vlen edhe për ekipet tuaja, sepse vërtet dua që të ndihet dora e bashkisë, që përtej mbështetjes së përditshme, vlerëson talentin, vlerëson djersën, vlerëson kupat që sillen në Tiranë dhe kjo është shumë e rëndësishme për të gjithë ne”, nënvizoi kreu i Bashkisë.
He also said that community sports, combined with investments in municipal sports grounds, should produce as many results as possible. But the next step, said Veliaj, is the new "Asllan Rusi" Sports Palace. "We have made some decisions and I believe that this is probably the last championship that you have held at the Asllan Rusi Sports Palace." The decision we have made is that we will do a total modernization. We must have a Sports Palace for good. There is no reason why Skopje, Podgorica, Belgrade, Sarajevo, Zagreb should have it, and we should not have it. Therefore, I want with all my heart that you support us in this project. We want to do the best for this city. Therefore, with the same philosophy with which we became champion, we will also become champion in investments," Veliaj concluded his speech.