Courtney Orgias, who posts about her family's travels on Instagram, told HuffPost, "Our daughter's first plane ride was at 10 weeks and it was so smooth and easy."
'It's actually not as difficult as one might think,' said Orgias. 'We flew for about four hours and she slept almost the whole way.'
In comparison, her other child didn't get on a plane until he was two, and for him it was just a more challenging situation.
Another mother, Stephanie Claytor, said:
"As a breastfeeding mother, I think the ideal age to fly with a baby is between four months."
On the other hand, flying with a toddler who is no longer nursing is more difficult and requires you to bring a lot of food with you, she said.
Monet Hambrick, who also posts on Instagram about her adventures with her two children, ages 8 and 10, says the best time to fly with a child is "before they start crawling."
Other advantages of flying with an infant
Besides the frequent naps and limited movement, there are several other advantages to traveling with a younger child.
An early flight start puts them — and you — on track for less travel anxiety later. 'The sooner you fly with your child, the less anxiety you'll have for future trips,' Orgias said.
Having a less mobile child is easier not only on the plane, but also during the arduous journey through the airport. 'It's much easier to grab and go,' said Orgias. "You can put children in a pram."
But there are some medical considerations to note
If your baby was born prematurely or has any health problems, you will definitely need to consult the pediatrician before making your reservations. It may also be worth talking to them about communicable diseases such as the flu, or where your child is in their vaccination series.
It's natural for new parents to prioritize concerns for the baby, but don't forget that someone who has just given birth is also at an increased risk for certain medical complications.
Even if you had a normal pregnancy, there are still some risk factors for traveling after giving birth.
These include blood clots, postpartum hemorrhage and preeclampsia, Greves said. You need to know whether or not there is an opportunity to receive immediate health care where you are going.
In addition, if you have had a caesarean section, you will be advised not to lift heavy objects - such as a suitcase - for 6-8 weeks.
In general, Greves recommended that you try to move your legs regularly during the flight (to prevent blood clots) and travel with someone who can help you. Hambrick, for example, took her mother with her when she flew from New York to Florida with her newborn.
Here are some tips for a smooth ride:
Give yourself some extra time. 'With a baby, you just don't know how much time you need,' Hambrick said. They may need to be replaced. They can make you dirty, so keep clothes for yourself in your hand bag.
Give the baby milk regularly, because it helps to relieve the pressure in the baby's small ears.
Try not to stress. Even when the baby starts crying and all the passengers vent.
Use a child restraint. A cart, or a kangaroo would solve the problem.
to be able to use the toilet while traveling alone with a small child.
Plan flights strategically. If your child has a regular bedtime, take advantage of that. You can choose the flight at the time when the baby sleeps.