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The FIRE movement, or retiring at 40, that is luring Scandinavians

The FIRE movement, or retiring at 40, that is luring Scandinavians

More and more young Scandinavians are attracted to the FIRE Movement. It has nothing to do with fire for whoever is translating it.

FIRE is actually an acronym for Financial, Independence, Retire, Early.

So, in Albanian: Financial independence to retire early.

Young Scandinavians are increasingly aiming to create an economic base that allows them to exit the labor market earlier than expected.

The idea is to save enough at a young age to stop working later, even before age 50.

According to Mi Ah Schoyen, a researcher at Metro University in Oslo, the FIRE movement seems more widespread than it really is, thanks to social media. For Schoyen, the truth is that only the very rich can actually create economic independence.

"The average worker never earns enough to be able to do that."