If this photo disgusts you, you may suffer from trypophobia
If you answered yes, then you may be suffering from Trypophobia, one of the most talked about phobias on the internet that you haven't heard of. The term is Greek for fear of small, boring holes.
The term entered the popular lexicon around 2009.
The term is not recognized by the American Psychiatric Association, and mental health experts debate whether or not disgust is a true phobia. Most phobias are self-diagnosed by those who claim that the images cause them anything from mild anxiety to nausea.
Në një studim të vitit 2013 të titulluar thjesht 'Frika nga vrimat', dy studiues nga Universiteti i Essex ishin të parët që trajtuan në mënyrë akademike frikën e çuditshme. Në kampionin e tyre, ata zbuluan se 16 përqind e 286 të rriturve të testuar kishin një neveri ndaj vrimave.
Një studim i ri nga Universiteti i Kentit i botuar në revistën Cognition and Emotion shtron një teori tjetër se pse disa njerëz kanë reagime kaq të forta negative ndaj vrimave të vogla.
People who fear the sight of small clusters of holes may feel anxious about parasites, or other diseases that can easily spread from person to person. The researchers theorized that the clusters of small holes present in diseases such as smallpox, measles, typhoid and others could cause a strong reaction in trypophobes who saw similar patterns in everyday objects.