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Why do we read the bad news first and then the good news?

Why do we read the bad news first and then the good news?

When we read the news in the newspaper or on the Internet, we are less attracted to the good news. On the contrary, we are naturally inclined to read bad news, such as natural disasters, crimes or accidents. We are also more likely to share these types of news with others.

This was also shown in a recent study at McGill University in Canada, in which researchers used eye-tracking technology to study which items people were most sensitive to. This selective attention was shown in all the volunteers involved by the researchers who examined the choices of readers from 17 different countries, located on all continents.

Negative bias

But that's not enough: What we read and see on TV can in turn increase our negative biases. For example, many people fear terrorism even though “the number of people killed by armed groups of this type in the last 20 years in the United States is less than the number of Americans who died in their bathtubs in the same period" - say social psychologists John Tierney and Roy Baumeister.

However, focusing first on the problems and then on the good news has many advantages, such as avoiding further losses. But according to Baumajster, it takes at least 4 pieces of positive news to make us forget about a piece of negative news.

*This article was published by and reposted by