Although enlarged pores are not a medical pathology, they are a cosmetic concern in a large group of people, as they show the surface of rough, uneven skin and are even more noticeable when the foundation is applied. Enlarged pores are more noticeable in the area of the nose, cheeks and chin and are a common accompanying condition for people suffering from acne.
The skin, as the largest organ of the human body, contains about 5 million pores, of which about 20 thousand are found on the face alone.
Skin pores are divided into two types: oily pores and sweat pores. Sweat pores are smaller and cause less aesthetic problems. Fat pores are actually hair follicles associated with sebaceous glands (pilo-sebac unit) and have the function of nourishing the hair roots to grow as well as protect the skin surface by creating a layer of fat. When they are blocked by fat and dead cells, black and white spots form and overlapping bacteria cause acne.
In addition to blockage by fat, dead cells and impurities on the surface of the skin (make up, environmental pollution) which lead to the expansion of pores, the latter can be extended by other factors that generally damage the supporting structure of the skin. skin - collagen and elastin. Ultraviolet radiation and all the changes of aging weaken the collagen and the supporting structure of the pores making them look more enlarged. Therefore, all treatments that stimulate collagen production and fight the signs of aging, by strengthening the cutaneous supporting structure, help reduce the diameter of the pores.
One of the treatments that helps the most in this process is the treatment with the technique called "microneedling" whose patent is held by Dermapen apparatus.
This treatment combines micro-piercings of the skin surface with the application of plasma or various vitamins, which promote the natural healing process and the production of new collagen and as a result the skin becomes more toned, more elastic, softer and smoother. Thanks to this process, dermapen also reduces post acne scars, reduces wrinkles and blemishes giving the skin a more even appearance.
The treatment is recommended to be performed with sessions at intervals of several weeks (depending on the indication) and has a relatively short recovery time, compared to lasers.
For the highest efficiency of treatment, respect for the sterile conditions in which the treatment should be performed, as well as for the creation of a proper and appropriate plan for the condition of your skin, choose to perform the procedure by certified medical personnel.
Dr.Silvana Mishtaku
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: silvanamishtaku
VIVIA Clinic
American Hospital 3