As we talk more and more about digitization and technology, we discover every day that Albanians are born talents in this field. The news has been circulating for some time that the digital team of Vodafone Albania, consisting of talented young Albanians, has been entrusted with the construction of the newest version of the My Vodafone application, which will be used by customers in all markets where Vodafone operates. This is not only good news for the company, but also for Albania, because we are used to downloading and using on our phones applications that were created in developed countries by leading companies in technology. And now, hundreds of millions of people around the world will download and use an application created by Albanian programmers.
Invited to "Wake Up" on Top Albania Radio and Top Channel, Evi Hoxha, Head of the Digital Channels Team at Vodafone Albania and Artemida Nebiaj, Head of Digital Engineering Channels, said that the newest version of the My Vodafone application was built by the team digital of Vodafone in Albania, with the support of colleagues from Vodafone Ireland and Vodafone Portugal.
“I remember the first days when the app building program started. It was a mix of feelings, but above all the enthusiasm to develop something global and impactful prevailed. We had no doubts that we would make it. After completing the application, the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. The performance is stable even with increased use", said Evi Hoxha in "Wake Up", while his colleague, Artemida Nebiaj, added that: "The beginning was somewhat difficult, because sometimes creating something from scratch is simpler that you have 3 versions built and try to harmonize them into a single one. We have taken great care that the experience of users in Albania, Ireland and Portugal is not affected and only bring added value to users."
The My Vodafone application is the most used digital channel offered by Vodafone Albania, which enables the management of one or several Vodafone accounts, remotely, at any time and at any moment. Applications are generally a customer's first contact with the brand, so My Vodafone is of particular importance, because it is practically the digital face of the company. The latest version of the application, developed by the Albanian digital team, is a common update for existing users, but internally there are a number of changes, starting from the visual aspect, the functionalities offered and the technologies used.
The new My Vodafone, which took about a year to build, will bring unification in terms of platforms and technology to hundreds of millions of users, as it grows every year with gradual adoption by all countries where Vodafone operates. The application enables all users to perform all online activities, simultaneously offering better performance and ease of use and further improving the digital experience that Vodafone offers.
For the construction of the application, the option of creating it in developed countries such as the United Kingdom, Germany or Italy was discussed at the beginning, but thanks to the successes of the Albanian digital team, it was decided that Vodafone Albania will be part of the first phase and the leader of the development of the application. the application. What shows that the quality of developers in Albania is of a very high level and in some aspects, even higher than in the most developed countries. Not by chance, even in the past, the digital team of Vodafone Albania has been part of new initiatives of Vodafone Group from time to time.